Prizes and Awards

HAS International Development Program Award.

Animals and Society Institute, Ann Arbor, USA. For the project HAS Hub @ICS-ULisboa – To create and foster Human-Animal Studies in Portugal. The prize will help to fund: a first national post-graduate course in HAS; an international conference; publication of a handbook in HAS; an international summer school. 2019

ERICS – Stimulus and Recognition of Internationalization in the field of Social Sciences, ICS-ULisboa.

Editions 2021, 2022 

Women in Science, Fourth Edition│2023


Grants and Funding

ERC Consolidator 2021.
Project ABIDE – Animal ABidings: recoverIng from DisastErs in more-than-human communities, European Research Council 
Project Website
CEEC 2017 – Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico.
Project: Liminal Becomings: reframing human-animals’ relationships in natural disasters [CEECIND/02719/2017], Portuguese Science Foundation
Project CLAN  Children-Animals Friendships: challenging boundaries between humans and non-humans in contemporary societies, PTDC/SOC 28415/2017, Portuguese Science Foundation. 2018
Post-Doctoral Scholarship, Portuguese Science Foundation (REF: SFRH/BPD/85809/2012),  2013 – 2019 
PhD Scholarship, Portuguese Science Foundation, 2006 – 2009 
Master Scholarship, Portuguese Science Foundation, 1998 – 2000 
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